
How To Display Recent Blog Post On Elementor


Edit the home page with Elementor and use >>Recent Post widget to display blog posts.

Thread Starter kernix


But what edits do I do to the home page in Elementor? I'm not an expert with it (free version) sp do I kust add some kind of blank text field? And how would I add Recent Post Widget to it since that is not an option in the Elementor dashboard and Appearance > Widgets seems to only be for sidebars and footers. Or do I add a short code from OceanWP theme library to the text tab in my page? But that still leaves the question, how do I get a recent posts widget into an elementor edit?

Go to Dashboard > Pages > Edit the home page with Elementor. Add a section in the page where you want to display recent posts. Now insert Recent posts widget from the Elementor side panel.

Thread Starter kernix


How do I add a section in between sections? I created my pages with WP not Elementor. When I go into Elementor it does show each section as a different element, but it adds each new widget I drag over to the bottom. And the one recent posts I want ins the one with the featured image. The other widget just has a bulleted list. I wish I could add the except, but it looks like I only get the image and title link. So I was thinking of adding a text box above that with "\Take a look at my most recent posts:" – something like that.

Should I just have them at the bottom of the page, or is there a way to position them where ever I want?

Thread Starter kernix


My page is messed up now. I added a text box at the bottom of the page: Recent Posts. Then I added recent posts widget and updated. But all my paragraph breaks are gone and each time I go into edit with WP the recent posts widget is gone but the text widget isn't. What? Why would that happen?

Are you using Jetpack mobile theme? Try to disable it and check it works or not. You need to add the Elementor section to insert a widget. You can drag and drop sections to rearrange them.

Also, go to Dashboard > Theme Panel > My library and create a template using Elemetnor. Copy the template shortcode form the Theme Panel > My library page. Add the copied shortcode where you want to display that section.

Thread Starter kernix


Yes, I am using Jetpack but I'm looking into changing to CF7. I tried dragging the widget around my page but it all got messed up, like going side by side. Also, all my paragraph breaks disappeared. I think creating it via Theme Panel and adding shortcode wherever I want sounds the easiest. I'm sure that will do it – thanks!

How To Display Recent Blog Post On Elementor


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