
How To Calibrate Intuos Tablet

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  1. stoneseeker

    stoneseeker Animator and Art Director Senior Member

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    Hey everyone,

    I think that Microsoft fixed the "hold to right click" glitch that allowed us to use Wacom's calibration tool. Even if you uncheck that box and click calibration you still ever only get 4 point calibration. Plus, the only way to properly reset the calibration data to set the 16 point calibration is to uninstall wacom drivers and then hit reset, otherwise, it will never let you go back to the 16 point.

    So, as long as I have Wacom drivers on my system, windows won't let me calibrate with the wacom calibrator. Which sucks, cause I need an offset in adobe programs ( I like the cursor slightly to the left and below my pen for visibility sake)

    Anyone find a workaround yet? Anyone notice this yet? Am I missing something major here??

  2. stoneseeker

    stoneseeker Animator and Art Director Senior Member

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    Has anyone seen this?? Still cannot pull up any information about getting Wacom to calibrate. My suspicion is Wacom updated their more recent tabletPC drivers to simply use Windows calibration, so four points on the screen everytime cause that's the only one available... is this true? Also, I noticed unless you have uninstalled the wacom ISD driver, you cannot reset the calibration. You can press the reset button, but it doesn't actually reset to the 16 point configuration like it would without the Wacom driver installed, so perhaps the Wacom driver is storing the original calibration data from the first calibration and windows doesn't know where to delete it.

    Am I on my own here?

  3. SpiralMagus

    SpiralMagus Pen Pal - Newbie

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    Well I'm curious about this too - as I've only ever seen the four-point Windows pen calibration, except for when I clean-installed Windows 8 and had the 16-point calibration come up. It would be great to have access to the Wacom calibration.

    I have no idea how we can achieve this though - unless Wacom puts a fix in their driver / control panel.

  4. stoneseeker

    stoneseeker Animator and Art Director Senior Member

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    It seems to me Wacom IS using the 4 point calibration in windows to be calibrated now, cause it is obviously effected by my calibrating it. However, it is always different then the windows calibration (ie. slightly to the left of the windows cursor, etc) and also does not flip in landscape view like the windows mode does. In otherwords, I can fanangle my way into a decent wacom calibration for one screen orientation, but as soon as the screen is flipped, the wacom calibration is now reversed, but the windows calibration remains constant in relation to the pen (flips with the screen).

    So I wonder if we set manually in the command line more calibration points, if it would help keep the wacom pen more calibrated for at least your most used screen orientation?

  5. It didn't help me. No... after hours of searching and calibrating and recalibrating and installing and updating and uninstalling I still have this annoying offset issue to deal with.


    And it is a real offset. The black represents my stylus position. It's what I followed to draw the red line. When the desktop or another program (in this case notepad) is selected the cursor position correctly follows the stylus tip, even when I'm mousing over the canvas. However.... if I actually do a mouse click, the cursor jumps, creating the marks on the right. The top mark is a single click. The two marks under it is me doing a mouse over and simply pressing the stylus down and dragging it onwards in an attempt to draw a vertical line, the notches in all cases marking a distinct jump from left to right. It happens when I turn the tablet-pc upside down.

  6. Fishface

    Fishface Scribbler - Standard Member

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    tabcal still ships with the Wacom drivers and it still works in Windows 8.

    This is my incantation to make it run on 1080p resolution. Make sure you clear the calibration first (Control Panel, Tablet PC settings, Reset)

    Then run the following on the command line shell:

    tabcal lincal novalidate XGridPts=5,15,30,50,100,500,1000,1500,1800,1870,1895,1905,1915 YGridPts=5,15,50,100,200,400,600,800,980,1030,1065,1075

    YMMV but it made a huge difference in edge accuracy for me on the Samsung ativ smartpc pro.

  7. That doesn't fix this particular issue. tabcal only effects the windows set of coordinates. Not wacom's. Read this:

    Tablet PC - Enhanced Graphics Driver 7.1.0-8

    The 16 point/ Tablet PC Input panel being the Microsoft set. The "it does not calibrate" issue holding true for the wacom set regardless of what wacom suggests or what you do with tabcal. I do like t hose coordinates though as it gives much needed love towards the edges of the screen.. I just wish it worked with the wacom set.

    The significance of this the issue described here and from stoneseeker's original post is that programs that specifically call for wacom's calibration points will use a set that is impossible to calibrate, causing a severe offset in some tablets. In theory there will be those lucky enough to not be affected by it, but in cases like ours it actually dramatically impacts our ability to work in such programs. We need to calibrate it for our own use but it will not recognize any changes. Microsoft's calibration set will work in most programs, but where I need it the most, in programs that specifically uses wacom's, it switches over to a different a set we cannot modify in any way, as the bug/ exploit has been fixed.

    I need this to draw, and as of right now I can't.

    So... trying older drivers.

    So far pc - enhanced graphics driver-1.aspx allows you to calibrate it just fine but for some reason doesn't register pressure above 255. I have 1024 levels, but it's scaled to 255.. meaning once it reaches 255 it's maxed out.

    Time to try a different driver!

    Last edited: Dec 30, 2012
  8. Okay, my solution.

    Went here: Fujitsu America - Support

    Selected Notebook PC/ T Series/ T902

    Downloaded the Digitizer Driver for my operating system.

    Uninstalled any wacom/ proprietary driver (Im using a samsung device and their driver has the same issues). Ran CCleaner to make sure any remnants have been removed. Installed the fujitsu drivers, and now it all works as intended!

    Last edited: Dec 30, 2012
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How To Calibrate Intuos Tablet


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