Free Lunch Design Video Games
Free Lunch Design was founded in 1998 by Johan Peitz. Before that he had been working with videogames for many years. They continued as an independent game company up until 2008. The game company was acquired by Muskedunder Interactive, a Swedish flash game developer, on the 30th march of that year. They are most famous for the game Icy Tower, released in 2001.
This is list of the current (as of April 19th, 2010) games made by Free Lunch Design:

Online Flash Games
- Sushi Castle
- Harold's Tower Blast
- Crappy New Year
- Robot Depot
- Rigby
- Squiggle Squid
- Tumble Waiter
- Strongest Truck 3
- Extreme Trucks
- Extreme Trucks II
- Big Rig: Driving School
- Big Rig: Truck Stop Parking
Mobile Games
- Icy Tower Mobile
Downloadable Games
- Harold's Hills
- Frog Hunt
- Super Monster Painter Extreme
- Zombiepox
- Klabutong
- Alex the Allegator 4
- Icy Tower 1.4
- Hellcarrier
- Pop'em
- Alex the Allegator 2
- Happyland Adventures
- Operation Spacehog
Recurring Characters
Free Lunch Design currently have 4 characters that make appearances in more than one game.
Alex The Alligator:
Appears in Alex The Alligator 2, a platformer, and Alex The Alligator 4. The last one is a puzzle game where Alex appears on the side of the screen, without actually being a playable character in game, as there are none. There are currently no number 1 or 3 available on their website.
The Rabbit from HappyLand Adventures:
This unnamed rabbit is the protagonist of both HappyLand Adventures, and HappyLand Adventures Christmas Edition (when you download the game from their website both of these are included in the same download). Even though he is seen talking to Santa in the cutscene at the beginning of HappyLand Adventures Christmas Edition, his name never appears on screen, nor is available on their website.
The Unnamed Man:
In both Zombiepox and Froghunt, you play as the same character. A bald man with a white shirt, and blue jeans, fighting zombies in the first game mentioned, and collecting frogs in the latter. His name does not appear anywhere.
Harold The Homeboy:

Harold The Homeboy is by far the most recognized characters of all those created by Free Lunch Design, as he is the protagonist of Icy Tower which has over 1 million players on facebook, and is ranked among the top most downloaded games of . It is also the only game developed by Free Lunch Design that has its own official website, set aside from the one on the official Free Lunch Design page. But along with Icy Tower he appears in Harold's Hills riding a sleigh, Icy Tower Mobile, and Harold's Tower Blast. He also appears on the logo, randomly in game and on the loading screen, as well as on the official facebook page, of the facebook version of Icy Tower, but you do not play as him to begin with.
Free Lunch Design Video Games
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